a) Witty brilliance
b) A plea for modesty
c) Biblical insight or,
d) While you are packing up the car, your child spills water on his socks and everyone else's socks when you are seven minutes late, and while you are cleaning that up, he walks in the mud in the yard and falls down into the dirty leaves.
I think your answer is d).
I pretend my children and I have to be somewhere 15 minutes before we actually have to be there. That way, when no one can find two shoes that match, the baby spits up on three people's shirts, and you realized right as you are walking out the door that there’s a big chunk of seaweed in between your front teeth from your salad, it’s no biggee.
When we’re in a hurry, we’re in a crazy state.
I would love for someone to do a research project to figure out what percentage of car wrecks happened because someone was in a hurry and didn’t want to be late. People get a little whack when they are in a hurry. And yes it does occasionally happen here in the South. I have a really hard time being patient with my children when I’m in a hurry, I can tell you that. If they get wound up about something and start to argue, when you have a few extra minutes you can deal with it. I’ve actually pulled off the road and parked somewhere safe to get out of the car and handle a spun up child who needs discipline. Or who needs their spilled crayons to be retrieved off the car floor. I could do it calmly and rationally because we had extra time.
I think I need a bumper sticker that says "Nutcracker survivor." My 11-year-old did three ballet performances last weekend and like many of you, those sorts of events can really push you over the mommy cliff with being busy. I try to build in a little extra time doing all the dashing back and forth especially at the holidays.
If you have to be at a meeting or appointment at 11:00, pretend you really have to be there at 10:45. Everyone and everything can fall apart all they want to. You can look down at the gas pedal and see you are wearing two different colored shoes, just to give you a real life example. Actually I realized that once we were already at the park, now that I think about it. I was wearing one brown flip flop and one black one. But it wasn't because I was in a hurry, it was just because I am flaky. And there have been several times I realized I was still wearing my bedroom slippers as we were about to pull out of the driveway. I went back inside and changed and we laughed. Then two people needed to run inside to get their stuffed animal and a book and it was fine.