In five days I will have been married 37 years. I want to share a few things in the next few days with you of the things I have learned.
First and of course most important is the ongoing lesson that marriage is a picture of Christ and His church (meaning His body of believers). Total dependence on Him is the only answer to any of your problems.
One great lesson for us ladies to learn is it is not your husband's job to make you happy/joyfilled. It is nice for them to put forth effort to care about your happiness, but do not put on them the responsibility to make you happy/joyfilled or fulfilled. If our happiness depends on the actions, reactions, disposition, thoughtfulness, or remembering of things of another person ... we are in for a major roller coaster ride. Ladies your "happiness/joyfulness" is directly related to you and decisions that you make regardless of your circumstances. I can say this with all honesty and from experience. Circumstances in life will of course affect us and anyone, no matter our walk, but we still maintain "the peace that passes all understanding." There will be times of sorrow, mourning, sickness, heartbreak, etc.. but you and you alone will make the choice to allow the time of healing from the Lord to begin, and hence not your husband's, parent's, friend's, doctor's job to secure your happiness.
So my lesson for the day: Not husband's job to make you a happy girl. "Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4 NKJV)
First and of course most important is the ongoing lesson that marriage is a picture of Christ and His church (meaning His body of believers). Total dependence on Him is the only answer to any of your problems.
One great lesson for us ladies to learn is it is not your husband's job to make you happy/joyfilled. It is nice for them to put forth effort to care about your happiness, but do not put on them the responsibility to make you happy/joyfilled or fulfilled. If our happiness depends on the actions, reactions, disposition, thoughtfulness, or remembering of things of another person ... we are in for a major roller coaster ride. Ladies your "happiness/joyfulness" is directly related to you and decisions that you make regardless of your circumstances. I can say this with all honesty and from experience. Circumstances in life will of course affect us and anyone, no matter our walk, but we still maintain "the peace that passes all understanding." There will be times of sorrow, mourning, sickness, heartbreak, etc.. but you and you alone will make the choice to allow the time of healing from the Lord to begin, and hence not your husband's, parent's, friend's, doctor's job to secure your happiness.
So my lesson for the day: Not husband's job to make you a happy girl. "Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4 NKJV)
"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22 NKJV)
This is a scripture to wives. Not to husbands, but to us. Submission is such a touchy subject, and it invokes a ton of emotions, but for us as believers it brings great amazing freedom. Freedom to stop kicking against the wall, stop swimming upstream, and just be who the Lord created us to be.
Being a submitted wife does not mean you are weak or are just being run over or taken advantage of. It doesn't mean you don't have good opinions nor does it mean that you shouldn't express yourself. It just means that at the end of the day if you have differing opinions that your husband is the tie breaker.
Another thing we must learn is that we do what we are called to do regardless of your husband's fulfilling of his duties. He is called to love you as Christ loves the church; however, we do not wait for him to do this before we fulfill our responsibilites.
Submission brings great freedom.
"Submission is the ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get your own way." -RIchard Foster
This is a scripture to wives. Not to husbands, but to us. Submission is such a touchy subject, and it invokes a ton of emotions, but for us as believers it brings great amazing freedom. Freedom to stop kicking against the wall, stop swimming upstream, and just be who the Lord created us to be.
Being a submitted wife does not mean you are weak or are just being run over or taken advantage of. It doesn't mean you don't have good opinions nor does it mean that you shouldn't express yourself. It just means that at the end of the day if you have differing opinions that your husband is the tie breaker.
Another thing we must learn is that we do what we are called to do regardless of your husband's fulfilling of his duties. He is called to love you as Christ loves the church; however, we do not wait for him to do this before we fulfill our responsibilites.
Submission brings great freedom.
"Submission is the ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get your own way." -RIchard Foster
Keep Appreciating Him
Be on guard that the things that attached you to your husband in the first place, may become the very thing that irritates you later in your marriage.
You once appreciated these qualities in him and now the very same qualities may annoy you.
Example is a man who is laid back and easy going when you first meet him, the longer you are together he just doesn't get things done fast enough for you. A man who knows so much about world events and something about everything seems so smart to you, but given time together it may begin to annoy you that he reads so much and is always looking things up.
You married him and don't forget how you admire so many things about him. Be purposeful and appreciative.
For the things in him that you admire, be sure to point those out and thank him. Everyone loves to be needed and appreciated and your husband is no different.
Don't always be trying to change him. The only one that you can control and change is you.
You once appreciated these qualities in him and now the very same qualities may annoy you.
Example is a man who is laid back and easy going when you first meet him, the longer you are together he just doesn't get things done fast enough for you. A man who knows so much about world events and something about everything seems so smart to you, but given time together it may begin to annoy you that he reads so much and is always looking things up.
You married him and don't forget how you admire so many things about him. Be purposeful and appreciative.
For the things in him that you admire, be sure to point those out and thank him. Everyone loves to be needed and appreciated and your husband is no different.
Don't always be trying to change him. The only one that you can control and change is you.
Having a Good Marriage
It might be argued that good marriages are gone. Few are blessed enough to have heard about, much less witnessed a great marriage. I feel so blessed and thankful to have had wonderful examples of a God-honoring marriage in my grandparents, parents, and my husband's maternal grandparents. The kind of marriage that kinda gives you a secure feeling, the warm and fuzzy love story marriage.
Does a great marriage consist of perfectly compatible people, is it the perfect relationship, or are both super perfect always sacrificing people? I do not think so. Each person brings to their marriage their own set of problems, expectations of how their spouse should treat them, thoughts of how things should be done, and traditions from their childhood. Each couple must work through these issues.
Prayer is a major part of marriage. Asking the Lord to protect your marriage, guide you and help you be the person in this relationship that you need to be by and through His strength. Going to the Lord and venting to Him helps with several things. One is that you feel like you have talked the issues out with someone who really cares and is listening, helps you often put things into proper perspective, you feel a "release" by simply expressing yourself, and this often keeps you from saying things you shouldn't, and keeps you from talking about things to others that you shouldn't.
Remember to be thankful for your spouse. Capitalize on his strengths. Die to yourself, putting his needs above your own. Wanting to please him and embrace your role as "best friend" and confidant. Submission is a choice, coming under the leadership and love of another is also your choice. Make your choices wisely.
Does a great marriage consist of perfectly compatible people, is it the perfect relationship, or are both super perfect always sacrificing people? I do not think so. Each person brings to their marriage their own set of problems, expectations of how their spouse should treat them, thoughts of how things should be done, and traditions from their childhood. Each couple must work through these issues.
Prayer is a major part of marriage. Asking the Lord to protect your marriage, guide you and help you be the person in this relationship that you need to be by and through His strength. Going to the Lord and venting to Him helps with several things. One is that you feel like you have talked the issues out with someone who really cares and is listening, helps you often put things into proper perspective, you feel a "release" by simply expressing yourself, and this often keeps you from saying things you shouldn't, and keeps you from talking about things to others that you shouldn't.
Remember to be thankful for your spouse. Capitalize on his strengths. Die to yourself, putting his needs above your own. Wanting to please him and embrace your role as "best friend" and confidant. Submission is a choice, coming under the leadership and love of another is also your choice. Make your choices wisely.
When a Marriage Fails
I do want to say there is that very very rare occasion -- and for most of us this is not the case and not an occasion or excuse for not doing the right thing -- that a marriage just falls apart or one of the spouses leaves against the desires of the other spouse. We pick up the scattered pieces of our life and start to build again, dealing with the fall out all the while. Only The Lord can heal us from such devastation, but He can indeed bring healing.
I have seen such a case and I know we never know all details, but I really have never seen anyone try so hard to hold a marriage together. But when the unbelieving departs for the second time ... I know that this person would tell you the emotional pain she has gone through could only be healed by our sweet Lord. My heart aches and we all need to be diligent to pray for all our marriage now and in the future. Pray for the future marriages of our children, current marriages of our children, and our own.
We have an enemy who is ever seeking to cause discord. May we be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16 NKJV)
I have seen such a case and I know we never know all details, but I really have never seen anyone try so hard to hold a marriage together. But when the unbelieving departs for the second time ... I know that this person would tell you the emotional pain she has gone through could only be healed by our sweet Lord. My heart aches and we all need to be diligent to pray for all our marriage now and in the future. Pray for the future marriages of our children, current marriages of our children, and our own.
We have an enemy who is ever seeking to cause discord. May we be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16 NKJV)
In it for the Long Haul
I just don't think I can speak my heart better than my oldest child did. So I am sharing a message she sent to Mark and me on our anniversary. Thank you, Jessica. Also, I'm showing you a bit of the blessing and rewards of long years of child training and the blessings of grown children.
From Jess:
"Also, happy anniversary! I'm proud of you two and giving me an example of a real marriage in a real world! Thanks for working through the good and the bad and loving each other and us enough to do it. I love you both so much and think y'all are just wonderful in every way."
So, ladies we are in this for the long haul, the ups and downs, the good and the bad. We can not expect our marriage to be "perfect." There are things to work through and for. We are in this for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. It's a real marriage in a real world, with two real people who don't always walk with Jesus, who are often selfish, who aren't always "happy," kind or loving, life happens. So to quote Jess, "work through the good and the bad and love each other and your children enough to do it."
From Jess:
"Also, happy anniversary! I'm proud of you two and giving me an example of a real marriage in a real world! Thanks for working through the good and the bad and loving each other and us enough to do it. I love you both so much and think y'all are just wonderful in every way."
So, ladies we are in this for the long haul, the ups and downs, the good and the bad. We can not expect our marriage to be "perfect." There are things to work through and for. We are in this for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. It's a real marriage in a real world, with two real people who don't always walk with Jesus, who are often selfish, who aren't always "happy," kind or loving, life happens. So to quote Jess, "work through the good and the bad and love each other and your children enough to do it."
Staying Positive
I've been reminded a lot lately about being a positive player in your field of influences. Which simply means be positive. Encourage your husband, your children, your extended family, your friends. Give hugs and love on these people. The world is a rough place and beats us up pretty badly. Even our churches can be tough on us sometimes. On the political side that is...never the Jesus side.
I just love this scripture and it reminds us to be encouraging:
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." (Philippians 4:8 NKJV)
Also we can quote the movie Bambi, and the little character Thumper: "If you can't say somepin nice dont say nufin at all."
I just love this scripture and it reminds us to be encouraging:
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." (Philippians 4:8 NKJV)
Also we can quote the movie Bambi, and the little character Thumper: "If you can't say somepin nice dont say nufin at all."
I just love to garden, I love to be outside and just dig in the earth. I am not a wonderful gardener of vegetables like my parents, or my sister. Nor am I a very good flower gardener like my friend, Sherry, but I do love it nevertheless. Gardening has taught me a lot about the Lord and His ways. In the next few days I want to share some to those things with you.
"A taproot is a very large, somewhat straight to tapering plant root that grows downward. It forms a center from which other roots sprout laterally. Plants with taproots are difficult to transplant [Wikipedia]."
"This definition is spot on with how we should be living in God. Do you notice that it says 'somewhat' straight? Not perfectly straight. God does not require us to have it all together or always stay close to Him, He knows us too well to think that. He is never angry at us for being too busy to spend time with Him; but, I believe, He aches for that because that is His character. Does not that make you want to draw even closer to Him? Knowing that your flaws are not criticized, but loved? He wants so much to help you with your struggles, but that cannot be done if we do not keep our ears open, and our hand ready to be grasp and led by Him."
This last paragraph was ghost written and she won't let me tell y'all, but it is soooo good and really speaks my heart!!! Just couldn't take credit ha ha.
As we make our choice and live our life for the Lord, we plant ourselves squarely in the only root that really counts. This is totally your choice. And as we begin to be rooted deeply, our life transforms. As you: "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4 NKJV) not sure what changes...
Also, just like a taproot if we are firmly rooted we are not easily transplanted or swayed. "That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, (Ephesians 4:14 NKJV)"
You are that taproot!!!
Have a great day loving your Jesus!
"A taproot is a very large, somewhat straight to tapering plant root that grows downward. It forms a center from which other roots sprout laterally. Plants with taproots are difficult to transplant [Wikipedia]."
"This definition is spot on with how we should be living in God. Do you notice that it says 'somewhat' straight? Not perfectly straight. God does not require us to have it all together or always stay close to Him, He knows us too well to think that. He is never angry at us for being too busy to spend time with Him; but, I believe, He aches for that because that is His character. Does not that make you want to draw even closer to Him? Knowing that your flaws are not criticized, but loved? He wants so much to help you with your struggles, but that cannot be done if we do not keep our ears open, and our hand ready to be grasp and led by Him."
This last paragraph was ghost written and she won't let me tell y'all, but it is soooo good and really speaks my heart!!! Just couldn't take credit ha ha.
As we make our choice and live our life for the Lord, we plant ourselves squarely in the only root that really counts. This is totally your choice. And as we begin to be rooted deeply, our life transforms. As you: "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4 NKJV) not sure what changes...
Also, just like a taproot if we are firmly rooted we are not easily transplanted or swayed. "That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, (Ephesians 4:14 NKJV)"
You are that taproot!!!
Have a great day loving your Jesus!
Are you in need of a little or a lot of refocusing?
Often times the north on a car compass has to be realigned (refocused). The way this happens is you go to an open space (an empty parking lot, etc.) and go around and around in circles. For some unknown reason (well, unknown to me but not to my husband Mark--haha) it realigns (refocuses) itself to true north.
Two points here. One is if you are going around and around in circles, perhaps you are just realigning (refocusing) yourself--ha. Or second (of course the main point here) we often need realigning (refocusing) to our true north...Jesus. Refocus our eyes on the Lord. Getting our game back. Acknowledging who is really in control, who is really calling the shots, and who is on the throne of your life?
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NKJV)
Refocusing our eyes and heart on the Lord. Your Coach never changes, He will never cut you off His team. He may add new players (we certainly hope so), but they never diminish your role. He never ever has a bad day. If we are benched it is our choice. He always has our best interest at heart. He allows us to "help" Him, but not to advance His career. What a Head Coach we have!
He has a plan for our life and for our children's life. No matter how old you are or if you have children, no matter how old they are, we all need reminding that God has a plan for our life.
Remind yourself of this and your sphere of influence. Speak into those folks' life this very truth.
Often times the north on a car compass has to be realigned (refocused). The way this happens is you go to an open space (an empty parking lot, etc.) and go around and around in circles. For some unknown reason (well, unknown to me but not to my husband Mark--haha) it realigns (refocuses) itself to true north.
Two points here. One is if you are going around and around in circles, perhaps you are just realigning (refocusing) yourself--ha. Or second (of course the main point here) we often need realigning (refocusing) to our true north...Jesus. Refocus our eyes on the Lord. Getting our game back. Acknowledging who is really in control, who is really calling the shots, and who is on the throne of your life?
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NKJV)
Refocusing our eyes and heart on the Lord. Your Coach never changes, He will never cut you off His team. He may add new players (we certainly hope so), but they never diminish your role. He never ever has a bad day. If we are benched it is our choice. He always has our best interest at heart. He allows us to "help" Him, but not to advance His career. What a Head Coach we have!
He has a plan for our life and for our children's life. No matter how old you are or if you have children, no matter how old they are, we all need reminding that God has a plan for our life.
Remind yourself of this and your sphere of influence. Speak into those folks' life this very truth.
Rising Above Your Raising
There is an old southern saying, well maybe just a Tennessee
saying that my Mama always says: "You can't raise above your
The more people I meet, the more I notice the impact that their childhood has on them. You bring your upbringing with you, it stays with you and it figures into every decision you make as an adult. It's the smells that give you a warm fuzzy feeling, it's the food you love, it's the reactions you have to situations, it's what makes you sad, mad, and glad. However, we know that through the Lord we become New Creation. The old is passed away behold we become brand new. We are not bound by our past but it sure would be wonderful if.....your past was something you did not desire to rise above.
So my plea to you Mama's out there: raise your blessings in the Lord. Teach and train them to love the Lord, to bring glory to Him. Raise them in the Fruit of the Spirit behaviors ("the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..." (Galatians 5:22, 23 NKJV) Raise them so we are glad they can't rise above their raisin.' Mamas you've got a mighty big job to do but you can do it!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV)
The more people I meet, the more I notice the impact that their childhood has on them. You bring your upbringing with you, it stays with you and it figures into every decision you make as an adult. It's the smells that give you a warm fuzzy feeling, it's the food you love, it's the reactions you have to situations, it's what makes you sad, mad, and glad. However, we know that through the Lord we become New Creation. The old is passed away behold we become brand new. We are not bound by our past but it sure would be wonderful if.....your past was something you did not desire to rise above.
So my plea to you Mama's out there: raise your blessings in the Lord. Teach and train them to love the Lord, to bring glory to Him. Raise them in the Fruit of the Spirit behaviors ("the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..." (Galatians 5:22, 23 NKJV) Raise them so we are glad they can't rise above their raisin.' Mamas you've got a mighty big job to do but you can do it!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV)
Be Purposeful
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14 NKJV)
Summer's here---whoo-hoo
So now ladies, use this time to "fix" whatever you feel in your life is "broken." During the "school year" (whether we have school children or not) it seems we get sooo busy, sometimes things just get spun out of control. Listen to yourself, take a good long look, evaluate not only your children's academic progress, but their overall well-being. Evaluate your own self.
First your relationship with the Lord. The time you spend with Him. Absolutely, He understands your life. He understands the demands on your time, your lack of "alone" time if you have little bitties that can't be left unsupervised. But let's be honest with ourselves and know we do what is important to us. I am not judging here (cause I am right there with you), only pointing out the obvious. The busier we get, no matter what that busy is, the less time we have for the Lord and the more spun out of control we feel.
I am only offering tools to help and it's totally up to you to desire to be with the Lord.
I am one of those ... oh I hate this ... haha..."older" women the Word talks about that has been there and done most every stage you are going through. Most of all your "struggles" I have experienced, a lot of the same "troubles" I have gone through, so please let me help. Please heed the warnings and learn from this "older" woman. Despite definitely not having it all together, and absolutely judging no one, I Do know the key and that is spiritual. Seek the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul.
- Be purposeful about the important things in your life. Make it your goal to be successful.
- Be purposeful about your relationship with the LORD...first and foremost!!
- Be purposeful about your marriage.
- Be purposeful about your parenting.
- Be purposeful about prioritizing your life.
Summer's here---whoo-hoo
So now ladies, use this time to "fix" whatever you feel in your life is "broken." During the "school year" (whether we have school children or not) it seems we get sooo busy, sometimes things just get spun out of control. Listen to yourself, take a good long look, evaluate not only your children's academic progress, but their overall well-being. Evaluate your own self.
First your relationship with the Lord. The time you spend with Him. Absolutely, He understands your life. He understands the demands on your time, your lack of "alone" time if you have little bitties that can't be left unsupervised. But let's be honest with ourselves and know we do what is important to us. I am not judging here (cause I am right there with you), only pointing out the obvious. The busier we get, no matter what that busy is, the less time we have for the Lord and the more spun out of control we feel.
I am only offering tools to help and it's totally up to you to desire to be with the Lord.
I am one of those ... oh I hate this ... haha..."older" women the Word talks about that has been there and done most every stage you are going through. Most of all your "struggles" I have experienced, a lot of the same "troubles" I have gone through, so please let me help. Please heed the warnings and learn from this "older" woman. Despite definitely not having it all together, and absolutely judging no one, I Do know the key and that is spiritual. Seek the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul.
His Spirit
We all have troubles. Life has troubles. Lots of different ways to cope. Everyone has a different idea of what is best, coping mechanism, new meds to take, new vacation spots to "change your life," new work out routines, new books to read, mediation, yoga, new friends, another day "out," time off, etc. All behavior modification...all not real change. Want real change? Real contentment, real peace, real love, real joy, real patience, real gentle spirit, real goodness, real faith, real meekness: it's as simple as a call/cry out to the Lord, to be filled with His Spirit.
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4 NKJV)
Troubles in this life will not stop, situations of past, present and future will be with us. But when we are filled with His Spirit life is different. The same things that drove you crazy one day won't seem to be so bad. Problems and situations are still there in many cases, just a different perspective of looking and dealing with them.
Some days are easier than others. Some days are more stessful, full of pressure, more going on, more demands on you; however, each day we should remind ourselves:
"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalms 118:24 NKJV)
The simple truth of this scripture will help carry us in these crazy times we are in. Write this upon your heart, upon an index card in your car, upon your bathroom mirror with a expo marker, on your chalkboard painted refrig, or board. Remind yourself, lead yourself, guide yourself into joyfulness, thankfulness, and be glad in it.
Hey, please pass me that half full cup of coffee!
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:4 NKJV)
Troubles in this life will not stop, situations of past, present and future will be with us. But when we are filled with His Spirit life is different. The same things that drove you crazy one day won't seem to be so bad. Problems and situations are still there in many cases, just a different perspective of looking and dealing with them.
Some days are easier than others. Some days are more stessful, full of pressure, more going on, more demands on you; however, each day we should remind ourselves:
"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalms 118:24 NKJV)
The simple truth of this scripture will help carry us in these crazy times we are in. Write this upon your heart, upon an index card in your car, upon your bathroom mirror with a expo marker, on your chalkboard painted refrig, or board. Remind yourself, lead yourself, guide yourself into joyfulness, thankfulness, and be glad in it.
Hey, please pass me that half full cup of coffee!
The Power of the Tongue
Try to see folks how the Lord sees them. Guard your words carefully.
Once they slip out of your mouth. Oops it's gone and great is the fall thereof. Not talking about angry words now, but gossip ones. And I really think in our heart of hearts we know the difference. Just experienced that myself and boy am I sorry. But once you've let your mouth run ahead of your brain there is no getting it back. Weigh your words carefully. Your dad and mom probably always told you and you are always telling your children (if you have them), your employees, whomever you have influence over, to think before you speak. Well, amen to that and it bears repeating: Think before you speak!
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14 NKJV)
Once they slip out of your mouth. Oops it's gone and great is the fall thereof. Not talking about angry words now, but gossip ones. And I really think in our heart of hearts we know the difference. Just experienced that myself and boy am I sorry. But once you've let your mouth run ahead of your brain there is no getting it back. Weigh your words carefully. Your dad and mom probably always told you and you are always telling your children (if you have them), your employees, whomever you have influence over, to think before you speak. Well, amen to that and it bears repeating: Think before you speak!
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14 NKJV)
Renew Your Mind
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2 NKJV)"
Always spinning around trying to find the will of God for your life? Right here in Romans 12:2 it gives us a great plan. Do not be conformed to this world. Do not act like the world, do not respond like the world, do not live like the world, do not do what the world does, there should be a difference in us. We do live here, work here, play here, but the secret is do not be conformed to this world. Do not be molded into the world's ideals. Be transformed by the renewing (renew means more than once, an everyday "God I want to be like You" thing). Be different. Be full of the Lord. Respond differently than the world. Slooooow down, renew your mind, enjoy, see that root word joy. That comes from the renewing---making new your mind in God.
Always spinning around trying to find the will of God for your life? Right here in Romans 12:2 it gives us a great plan. Do not be conformed to this world. Do not act like the world, do not respond like the world, do not live like the world, do not do what the world does, there should be a difference in us. We do live here, work here, play here, but the secret is do not be conformed to this world. Do not be molded into the world's ideals. Be transformed by the renewing (renew means more than once, an everyday "God I want to be like You" thing). Be different. Be full of the Lord. Respond differently than the world. Slooooow down, renew your mind, enjoy, see that root word joy. That comes from the renewing---making new your mind in God.
Wise Woman
"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands. (Proverbs 14:1 NKJV)"
Be a wise woman and build your house well. We really have "control" over so little, but we do have "control" over our self and our own mouth, heart, attitude, and actions. Build your house with GOD-honoring fruit of the SPIRIT = Your blueprints.
When we think of building a house, of course first we clear the land. So if you have things in your life you need to knock down, clear out, put on the burn pile, or take to the dump...DO IT...dont wait another moment, dont savor that self-pity, dont live in the past with your successes or failures, today is the DAY.
Then we began to lay out what we want our home to look like. Placing the footers, laying out the stakes and pouring the concrete walls to our basement or our slab....thats our foundation..making sure its strong, making sure the land is graded correctly so we wont have waste away....So spiritually...prepare your soil, feed your soul with the WORD of GOD, PRAYER, making sure there are no chances for wash away, no opportunity for erosion of your faith.
This could be a slow process depends on outside elements...with our faith as we begin to grow often time certain elements discourage us...we have an enemy who wants us to fail, flounder, erode....much like when building a house we feel like the weather conditions are often our enemy as they stop construction so many times.
So ladies be a WISE woman and BUILD your house well!!!
Be a wise woman and build your house well. We really have "control" over so little, but we do have "control" over our self and our own mouth, heart, attitude, and actions. Build your house with GOD-honoring fruit of the SPIRIT = Your blueprints.
When we think of building a house, of course first we clear the land. So if you have things in your life you need to knock down, clear out, put on the burn pile, or take to the dump...DO IT...dont wait another moment, dont savor that self-pity, dont live in the past with your successes or failures, today is the DAY.
Then we began to lay out what we want our home to look like. Placing the footers, laying out the stakes and pouring the concrete walls to our basement or our slab....thats our foundation..making sure its strong, making sure the land is graded correctly so we wont have waste away....So spiritually...prepare your soil, feed your soul with the WORD of GOD, PRAYER, making sure there are no chances for wash away, no opportunity for erosion of your faith.
This could be a slow process depends on outside elements...with our faith as we begin to grow often time certain elements discourage us...we have an enemy who wants us to fail, flounder, erode....much like when building a house we feel like the weather conditions are often our enemy as they stop construction so many times.
So ladies be a WISE woman and BUILD your house well!!!
Commit Thy Works
"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. (Proverbs 16:3 KJV)"
Sometimes the old King James girl in me just love the SHALLs. That word seems soooo powerful and just sometimes NEEDS to be said. Also lovin how the WORD of GOD is sooo alive and speaks differently to us on different occasions.
I saw this verse this morning and it just jumped out at me...that if we commit our works(what we do) to the LORD than that will take care of our normally I am thinking well I guess I am thinking bout the wrong things,,,but mostly today the was dealing with me was on thoughts of worry, aggravations, questions of why do people continue to do the same dumb things over and over(me at top of that list)...never change, but I see I need to commit my works to the LORD and then my thoughts SHALL be established!!!
They say you spend maybe a year of your life(more of mine I am sure) looking for things you have lost (keys,phone, thank the LORD for the find my IPHONE app, huh? BUT truly how much of our life have and do we spend battling our thoughts of worry, anger, ladies join me: "Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established. (Proverbs 16:3 NKJV)"
Sometimes the old King James girl in me just love the SHALLs. That word seems soooo powerful and just sometimes NEEDS to be said. Also lovin how the WORD of GOD is sooo alive and speaks differently to us on different occasions.
I saw this verse this morning and it just jumped out at me...that if we commit our works(what we do) to the LORD than that will take care of our normally I am thinking well I guess I am thinking bout the wrong things,,,but mostly today the was dealing with me was on thoughts of worry, aggravations, questions of why do people continue to do the same dumb things over and over(me at top of that list)...never change, but I see I need to commit my works to the LORD and then my thoughts SHALL be established!!!
They say you spend maybe a year of your life(more of mine I am sure) looking for things you have lost (keys,phone, thank the LORD for the find my IPHONE app, huh? BUT truly how much of our life have and do we spend battling our thoughts of worry, anger, ladies join me: "Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established. (Proverbs 16:3 NKJV)"
Spiritual Eyes
Two of my grown children and my daughter in law are in Haiti. They left on Saturday morning, the stories they have already told me of the children there and the disarray of that country is so sad. However, for my family it seems to be such an eye-opening time of really seeing and feeling the Lord. Isn't that the way of the Lord, you "go" to "help" the Lord's work and you are the one who ends up being blessed. Isn't that the Lord's way, you go to give and He gives to you soooo much more abundantly.
Yesterday, Jennifer, my second grown daughter, and Stephanie, my daughter in law, facetimed me. While they told me stories of the orphanages they had visited, the children of poverty and a victims of a corrupt government, my oldest son was in the background playing football in an open field. The sounds of happy children shouting and running, the compound that had to be guarded and surrounded by a high wall with razor wire atop, and a beautiful mango tree full of yummy fruit, free for the taking, was all quite overwhelming to me.
I was overtaken with thankfulness for God's mercy, the gratefulness for my children's willingness to love the unloved, and a sense of how The Lord will use us as we allow Him.
Open your spiritual eyes today and be used of Him.
Yesterday, Jennifer, my second grown daughter, and Stephanie, my daughter in law, facetimed me. While they told me stories of the orphanages they had visited, the children of poverty and a victims of a corrupt government, my oldest son was in the background playing football in an open field. The sounds of happy children shouting and running, the compound that had to be guarded and surrounded by a high wall with razor wire atop, and a beautiful mango tree full of yummy fruit, free for the taking, was all quite overwhelming to me.
I was overtaken with thankfulness for God's mercy, the gratefulness for my children's willingness to love the unloved, and a sense of how The Lord will use us as we allow Him.
Open your spiritual eyes today and be used of Him.
Commit Your Works
I love to read things like I am about to share with you. I feel like it is such an encouragement to us and such a reminder that the Lord is the Lord and Is working in our lives...separately, together, at the same time, with the same things. Hope this gives you the same "holy" shivers it gave me.
On June 16, I wrote about the scripture Proverbs 16:3:
"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established." (Proverbs 16:3 NKJV)
Jenn, my daughter who is in Haiti with my son and daughter in law, wrote the following:
"Mom. How crazy - I read this exact same verse today. And I wasn't reading it because it's the 16th. My Bible flipped open there and I read it. And it really jumped out at me.
And this is what I wrote about it:
Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts shall be established."
Commit your works. Your actions. Do the right thing - and your thoughts will follow. Live out what you know is right, and God will work on the attitude.
It's so funny how God works!! Love you!"
Great stuff, huh?
On June 16, I wrote about the scripture Proverbs 16:3:
"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established." (Proverbs 16:3 NKJV)
Jenn, my daughter who is in Haiti with my son and daughter in law, wrote the following:
"Mom. How crazy - I read this exact same verse today. And I wasn't reading it because it's the 16th. My Bible flipped open there and I read it. And it really jumped out at me.
And this is what I wrote about it:
Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts shall be established."
Commit your works. Your actions. Do the right thing - and your thoughts will follow. Live out what you know is right, and God will work on the attitude.
It's so funny how God works!! Love you!"
Great stuff, huh?
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16
"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." (James 5:16 ESV)
"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16 NKJV)
What makes us righteous is not us. It is the covering and the remaking we get when we accept Jesus.
As I pray for y'all's famillies and the various situations I am claiming this not as I am righteous but the righteousness thru Him.
The power of prayer. Wow. The power we pass up. Wow. The missteps for not listening. Wow. But show me, cleanse me, use me!
As you may be able to tell (hahah) I am rereading a book called "What Happens When Women Pray." It is powerful and really encouraging for us to really really take this prayer thing seriously and sit back and watch the show. Not that God is gonna give us what we want. He isn't a genie in a bottle. But as we plug into Him, He reveals, always consistent with His Word. Himself and His plan for us.
Delighting ourselves in the Lord. This all ties together so nicely.
"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." (James 5:16 ESV)
"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16 NKJV)
What makes us righteous is not us. It is the covering and the remaking we get when we accept Jesus.
As I pray for y'all's famillies and the various situations I am claiming this not as I am righteous but the righteousness thru Him.
The power of prayer. Wow. The power we pass up. Wow. The missteps for not listening. Wow. But show me, cleanse me, use me!
As you may be able to tell (hahah) I am rereading a book called "What Happens When Women Pray." It is powerful and really encouraging for us to really really take this prayer thing seriously and sit back and watch the show. Not that God is gonna give us what we want. He isn't a genie in a bottle. But as we plug into Him, He reveals, always consistent with His Word. Himself and His plan for us.
Delighting ourselves in the Lord. This all ties together so nicely.
Tired {exhausted of strength or energy; fatigued.} This is what we feel after a long day that starts at seven in the morning and ends at midnight, and in between is filled with trying to get things done--fixing breakfast, getting kids dressed and out the door, arriving to dance and baseball practices on time, while making sure everyone has their equipment, and trying to have dinner on the table at six o'clock and then after is baths and wrestling those monkeys into bed. Some days it feels as if we might go crazy! The challenge that mainly faces us is trying to pencil in some quiet time with The Lord at some point during our day, which is the most important thing we can do on this earth.
What I always seem to forget is what is so sweetly mentioned throughout the gospels; in Mark 4:38, "...and he (Jesus) was in the hinder parts of the ship, asleep on a pillow..." and John 4:6, "...Jesus, therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat on the well..." Jesus literally knows how it feels to be physically tired and worn out. How wonderful it is to have a God who understands everything we feel! He knows we need rest. Not only did He design our bodies, He lived in one for thirty-three and a half years. He knows every fiber of our being and knows exactly what we need.
So, instead of feeling guilty for not waking up an hour early and getting in your devotion, praise Him for understanding and love Him for being so sweet. And know that it is not required for you to sit down and spend an hour reading the Bible in order to spend time with Him, although that is not a bad idea in the slightest. But apart from that, ask Him to be a part of your day, to walk through each minute with you, always being aware of His presence, and never growing numb to the fact that the King of the universe desires to be involved in every detail of your day.
What I always seem to forget is what is so sweetly mentioned throughout the gospels; in Mark 4:38, "...and he (Jesus) was in the hinder parts of the ship, asleep on a pillow..." and John 4:6, "...Jesus, therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat on the well..." Jesus literally knows how it feels to be physically tired and worn out. How wonderful it is to have a God who understands everything we feel! He knows we need rest. Not only did He design our bodies, He lived in one for thirty-three and a half years. He knows every fiber of our being and knows exactly what we need.
So, instead of feeling guilty for not waking up an hour early and getting in your devotion, praise Him for understanding and love Him for being so sweet. And know that it is not required for you to sit down and spend an hour reading the Bible in order to spend time with Him, although that is not a bad idea in the slightest. But apart from that, ask Him to be a part of your day, to walk through each minute with you, always being aware of His presence, and never growing numb to the fact that the King of the universe desires to be involved in every detail of your day.