A dear lady who wishes to remain anonymous has given me permission to share the following words of wisdom from her to all of us.
We need to guard ourselves and our hearts daily against discontentment.
Before Satan brings temptation or before you would consider a temptation he has to make you discontent in your current circumstances. If we are 100 percent content in our lives - in all aspects - imagine how difficult getting us to stumble would be.
Because most bad choices start with us wishing we had something we do not. If our enemy will have his way to destroy our joy, peace, families, lives and testimonies, he must first work on our contentment with things in our life. Once he has us regretting decisions, wondering "what if" or wishing we had taken a different path...he has us right where he wants us and we are much easier prey.
So count your blessings, rejoice in what we have been given, find joy in each day and in the small things. Remember that we have been given life and our Father wants us to live it more abundantly.
We need to guard ourselves and our hearts daily against discontentment.
Before Satan brings temptation or before you would consider a temptation he has to make you discontent in your current circumstances. If we are 100 percent content in our lives - in all aspects - imagine how difficult getting us to stumble would be.
Because most bad choices start with us wishing we had something we do not. If our enemy will have his way to destroy our joy, peace, families, lives and testimonies, he must first work on our contentment with things in our life. Once he has us regretting decisions, wondering "what if" or wishing we had taken a different path...he has us right where he wants us and we are much easier prey.
So count your blessings, rejoice in what we have been given, find joy in each day and in the small things. Remember that we have been given life and our Father wants us to live it more abundantly.