It seems highly unlikely that a solid, 100 percent Bible-honoring Christian will run for U.S. president in 2016. So what’s a Bible chick to do?
Rewind a couple thousand years to Constantine, who was the first Roman emperor to become a Christian. He saw a vision of his strong, victorious army carrying shields with crosses, and he saw the words “In hoc signo vinces,” which means “In this sign, you will conquer.” After that, Constantine was on the side of the Christians. The spread of Christianity in early Rome became possible because of Constantine.
Unfortunately, Constantine had some faults that were glossed right over by some of his historians. He was not always a man to be admired for living a life that reflected Christian principles – what man ever is? Still, we can look back on that very pivotal time in history and see that God used Constantine for His purposes. At the very least, Constantine put a stop to the persecution of Christians.
As we look at the list of choices for president in 2016, we can think of Constantine and realize that if, for example, Donald Trump were elected, no he doesn’t know a lick of scripture. He’s been married three times. When asked by Christians if he’d ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump was forced to admit that no, he had not. His moral character is a great concern. Still, he stands behind Israel. He says it is an outrage for Christians to be arrested for putting their faith into action at their jobs.
I’m not endorsing the guy, or anyone else. But we need to accept that we are at a point where our nation is full of tolerance of everything except the truth. Our nation is sound asleep to the possibility that Islam could very soon bump Christianity as the main religion here. Our nation is in such spiritual darkness that having a president who is another Constantine – someone who is on the side of Christians and is fully behind the nation of Israel – can be enough.
Rewind a couple thousand years to Constantine, who was the first Roman emperor to become a Christian. He saw a vision of his strong, victorious army carrying shields with crosses, and he saw the words “In hoc signo vinces,” which means “In this sign, you will conquer.” After that, Constantine was on the side of the Christians. The spread of Christianity in early Rome became possible because of Constantine.
Unfortunately, Constantine had some faults that were glossed right over by some of his historians. He was not always a man to be admired for living a life that reflected Christian principles – what man ever is? Still, we can look back on that very pivotal time in history and see that God used Constantine for His purposes. At the very least, Constantine put a stop to the persecution of Christians.
As we look at the list of choices for president in 2016, we can think of Constantine and realize that if, for example, Donald Trump were elected, no he doesn’t know a lick of scripture. He’s been married three times. When asked by Christians if he’d ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump was forced to admit that no, he had not. His moral character is a great concern. Still, he stands behind Israel. He says it is an outrage for Christians to be arrested for putting their faith into action at their jobs.
I’m not endorsing the guy, or anyone else. But we need to accept that we are at a point where our nation is full of tolerance of everything except the truth. Our nation is sound asleep to the possibility that Islam could very soon bump Christianity as the main religion here. Our nation is in such spiritual darkness that having a president who is another Constantine – someone who is on the side of Christians and is fully behind the nation of Israel – can be enough.