We are through another month, we read and studied the entire book of Proverbs. Now we are ready for new months, April and May, and a new topic. The topic for this month is parenting, or mothering if you will.
First and the most obvious thing about being a mother is realizing what a blessing/gift you have been given from the Lord. "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is His reward." Psalms 127:3
Next thing we need to know is you (meaning dad and you) are the boss, "Children, obey your parents in all things." Colossians 3:20. So start acting it. You are the authority and this authority comes from the Lord. So we need not be hesitant or afraid to be the boss. You are to be obeyed.
Whenever we train up our children in the Lord, there are many blessing for us and for the children.
Parenting takes time. It is simple, but not easy to raise God-honoring obedient children. Frankly, most parents are not willing to make the sacrifice of time, energy, and self to see this parenting thing through. Do yourself and your children an amazing service by training your children. Life is much more pleasant for everyone, when children are obedient. And really the children are happier,too.
First and the most obvious thing about being a mother is realizing what a blessing/gift you have been given from the Lord. "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is His reward." Psalms 127:3
Next thing we need to know is you (meaning dad and you) are the boss, "Children, obey your parents in all things." Colossians 3:20. So start acting it. You are the authority and this authority comes from the Lord. So we need not be hesitant or afraid to be the boss. You are to be obeyed.
Whenever we train up our children in the Lord, there are many blessing for us and for the children.
Parenting takes time. It is simple, but not easy to raise God-honoring obedient children. Frankly, most parents are not willing to make the sacrifice of time, energy, and self to see this parenting thing through. Do yourself and your children an amazing service by training your children. Life is much more pleasant for everyone, when children are obedient. And really the children are happier,too.
Mothering, April 2
If you read one Proverb and five Psalms a day, you can read through the Proverbs and Psalms each month,12 times a year. Just found this really cool Bible program online called YouVersion (it is free) and some of the version will read to you. Great for all you really busy ladies, multi-tasking ladies. Not that we want to be distracted from the Word, but it could help in the laundry room, while sitting outside watching the kids, or if you are like my girls, outside while sitting in the sun you could be learning of the Son, ha ha.
In review:
1. Children are blessings
2. You are the BOSS
3. Good parenting takes TIME
4. Good parenting takes SACRIFICE
5. Good parenting takes ENERGY
Too often we make parenting harder than it needs to be. It's simple really, simple but not easy.
1. Follow the command to train up a child in the way he should go.
2. Your children should obey:
3. Give your instructions only once.
4. Do the hard work now. The "high training mode" begins when you began to see your precious baby exert his/her will against yours. This period of time seems to last forever, but actually only is very intense for only a couple of years or so. We are always parents, and there is some sort of instruction, training, example, and example work done for many years. However, the never take your eyes off, watch, instruct, watch, instruct, repeat, correct, instruct incorrect behaviors, role play, repeat.... this lasts intensely for a couple of years or so. At the point where you have successfully trained your blessing, ahhh you can catch your breath, however you can not let your guard down, stay on task, watch, listen. You have only one shot at this child training adventure so stay on task.
In review:
1. Children are blessings
2. You are the BOSS
3. Good parenting takes TIME
4. Good parenting takes SACRIFICE
5. Good parenting takes ENERGY
Too often we make parenting harder than it needs to be. It's simple really, simple but not easy.
1. Follow the command to train up a child in the way he should go.
2. Your children should obey:
3. Give your instructions only once.
4. Do the hard work now. The "high training mode" begins when you began to see your precious baby exert his/her will against yours. This period of time seems to last forever, but actually only is very intense for only a couple of years or so. We are always parents, and there is some sort of instruction, training, example, and example work done for many years. However, the never take your eyes off, watch, instruct, watch, instruct, repeat, correct, instruct incorrect behaviors, role play, repeat.... this lasts intensely for a couple of years or so. At the point where you have successfully trained your blessing, ahhh you can catch your breath, however you can not let your guard down, stay on task, watch, listen. You have only one shot at this child training adventure so stay on task.
Weary Not, April 3
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7 NKJV)
Teach your children the Word of God.
"For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them." (I Samuel 3:13 NKJV)
Restrain your children and teach them not to be vile, rebellious, etc.
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9 NKJV) As Moms we often become "weary" and just plain tired sometimes. Enough so the Bible tells us not to grow weary in well-doing. If anything is worthy to be called well doing it's parenting. You are serving in a major self-sacrificing way to be a mom. Don't grow weary!
Raising our children is not "let's make a deal." You are the God-given authority. We don't negotiate with terrorists or our children.
Stay on task. You must never ever let your child training guard down. Do not get distracted from your child training. Know your children. Teach and train them every day---whether or not you mean to you are teaching your children by what you do, how you act, what you say and how you say it. This is not a once and done job. It is not a fast food drive through experience. It is a day in and day out all consuming, self-sacrificing mission. Keep on task, steady the course, and "keep the main thing the main thing."
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I know we have talked about this verse so many times, mostly capitalizing on the last half of the verse. But for now let's concentrate on the first half. Train up a child in the way he should go. Do the hard work on the front end of this parenting, and the rewards/blessings will follow.
When our blessings are first born, it's the snuggle time, cutie bug, everyone is there to help and hold. Then reality sets in and we know it's ours to do. Hurrah, we can do this and do it well. You can enjoy parts of every stage, but always training.
Seriously this starts really, really early. Training our babies in the Lord, and in obedience and manners. Example when they are babies and we do things for them, and every Mom does, you talk to them. Of course you do: mama loves you, you are soooo cute, so sweet, so pretty, so the whole wide world. Begin to train them in manners. You change their diapers, and say "thank you mama for changing me," "thank you mama for keeping me clean." I know this sounds really dumb and you will feel really weird thanking yourself, but it is so good for us all to be reminded to live with a grateful heart. Because before long you will have a very ungrateful 3 year old on your hands.
I loved the 2's (well most parts of it), but the reason they are called the terrible two's is that they are able to resist your will and exert theirs. Up until now everything has been going pretty much their way and everyone caters to them, but now a screaming two year old is not attractive nor enjoyable, nor pleasant. And oh the price to pay if you have waited till now to begin. Why do they scream and pitch fits, simply put they do not get what they want. So it is their mission to see that never happens again. Hence the mind altering screaming fit. So nip that in the bud, remember you are the authority. Do not allow that rebellion. It will only get worse. Stick to your guns, wavering only makes it last longer.
Teach your children the Word of God.
"For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them." (I Samuel 3:13 NKJV)
Restrain your children and teach them not to be vile, rebellious, etc.
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9 NKJV) As Moms we often become "weary" and just plain tired sometimes. Enough so the Bible tells us not to grow weary in well-doing. If anything is worthy to be called well doing it's parenting. You are serving in a major self-sacrificing way to be a mom. Don't grow weary!
Raising our children is not "let's make a deal." You are the God-given authority. We don't negotiate with terrorists or our children.
Stay on task. You must never ever let your child training guard down. Do not get distracted from your child training. Know your children. Teach and train them every day---whether or not you mean to you are teaching your children by what you do, how you act, what you say and how you say it. This is not a once and done job. It is not a fast food drive through experience. It is a day in and day out all consuming, self-sacrificing mission. Keep on task, steady the course, and "keep the main thing the main thing."
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I know we have talked about this verse so many times, mostly capitalizing on the last half of the verse. But for now let's concentrate on the first half. Train up a child in the way he should go. Do the hard work on the front end of this parenting, and the rewards/blessings will follow.
When our blessings are first born, it's the snuggle time, cutie bug, everyone is there to help and hold. Then reality sets in and we know it's ours to do. Hurrah, we can do this and do it well. You can enjoy parts of every stage, but always training.
Seriously this starts really, really early. Training our babies in the Lord, and in obedience and manners. Example when they are babies and we do things for them, and every Mom does, you talk to them. Of course you do: mama loves you, you are soooo cute, so sweet, so pretty, so the whole wide world. Begin to train them in manners. You change their diapers, and say "thank you mama for changing me," "thank you mama for keeping me clean." I know this sounds really dumb and you will feel really weird thanking yourself, but it is so good for us all to be reminded to live with a grateful heart. Because before long you will have a very ungrateful 3 year old on your hands.
I loved the 2's (well most parts of it), but the reason they are called the terrible two's is that they are able to resist your will and exert theirs. Up until now everything has been going pretty much their way and everyone caters to them, but now a screaming two year old is not attractive nor enjoyable, nor pleasant. And oh the price to pay if you have waited till now to begin. Why do they scream and pitch fits, simply put they do not get what they want. So it is their mission to see that never happens again. Hence the mind altering screaming fit. So nip that in the bud, remember you are the authority. Do not allow that rebellion. It will only get worse. Stick to your guns, wavering only makes it last longer.
The Importance of Your Work, April 4
You are always on RED SECURITY ALERT. Hearing all this in the media, and then comparing it to mothering. You can never lower your security alert/status. You can never just debate one night, fight for the truth in debates or on FOX news, or one campaign season. You are the 24/7 defender of the truth, protector of the innocent, nurturer of the most important assets this world can offer (move over Wall Street). No stocks or bonds can be more important than nurturing, growing, watching and moving into other stages of life with your assets. We have called these assets: newborns, creepers, toddlers, pre-schooler, youngins, chilrin (say as written), pre-teen, twinners, teenagers, young people, young adults, adults, but to us they are our BLESSINGS.
Start each day knowing you hold so much of their future right here in your hands. Molding, shaping, modeling before them. If you have teens you may be wanting a "do over," if you have toddlers you may wish to fast forward, but you are where you are and make the most of it. If you are in the baby stage, oh, to start and stay consist everyday, hold them, love them, nurture them, model for them and show them Jesus and His ways. Oh, wait, this is not just for babies it is the same for all ages. Be the Mom you had or be the Mom you wish you would have had. No anger, no blame, to your own Mom. Now you truly know how intense this mothering thing is. Know she went through all the things you are going through. Don't waste time and any energy being angry with her or your dad. Just be what they weren't or aren't. Don't let the enemy rob you of this wonderful time of your life with past anger or regrets. It is today!
Start each day knowing you hold so much of their future right here in your hands. Molding, shaping, modeling before them. If you have teens you may be wanting a "do over," if you have toddlers you may wish to fast forward, but you are where you are and make the most of it. If you are in the baby stage, oh, to start and stay consist everyday, hold them, love them, nurture them, model for them and show them Jesus and His ways. Oh, wait, this is not just for babies it is the same for all ages. Be the Mom you had or be the Mom you wish you would have had. No anger, no blame, to your own Mom. Now you truly know how intense this mothering thing is. Know she went through all the things you are going through. Don't waste time and any energy being angry with her or your dad. Just be what they weren't or aren't. Don't let the enemy rob you of this wonderful time of your life with past anger or regrets. It is today!
Do Not Be Deceived, April 5
There are so many books and ideas on child training available to us. Many are secular, changing by the minute the methods of raising children. You want your children to mind you, try this a while, no wait try this until that doesn't work and then try this. End result = children don't mind and you don't have a mind left.
The most confusing and dangerous child training books, in my opinion, are the "Christian" ones. Found at your local Christian bookstore. We, as Christians, often let our guards down whenever we see "Christian, God, etc." in a label.
Be wise and test everything against God's word. This is my plug here for reading, absorbing, studying God's word so you can not be deceived.
These "new" methods of making your children obey are mostly behavior modification. Behavioral modification are not truly a change of heart or willful obedience. Mostly you are manipulating your child into doing what you want them to. So many of these "better ways," "latest greatest" are bribery or mind games. If you use these methods, you may have immediate temporal results, but you will not produce God-honoring, obedient children.
My least favorite is "time out." The dangers of this type of manipulative discipline are screaming to us in lived out behavior of our teens. What time out is, as I understand it, a child disobeys and okay it's time for punishment. I'm on board so far. You the authority picks out a chair or seat of some type perhaps their room and they are banished there for said period of time. Here's where I depart agreeing. What we are doing is setting our children up to give in to pressure from others to conform to whatever they want or they "won't be happy with them" or will ignore them or "not be their friend."
The Bible says, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15. So for rebellious and foolishness there is a call for the rod of correction. It is sure, and true.
Stay with the tried and true methods of child training. It works faster and better. There will always be imitators of the truth. The latest fad in child training, don't be deceived.
The most confusing and dangerous child training books, in my opinion, are the "Christian" ones. Found at your local Christian bookstore. We, as Christians, often let our guards down whenever we see "Christian, God, etc." in a label.
Be wise and test everything against God's word. This is my plug here for reading, absorbing, studying God's word so you can not be deceived.
These "new" methods of making your children obey are mostly behavior modification. Behavioral modification are not truly a change of heart or willful obedience. Mostly you are manipulating your child into doing what you want them to. So many of these "better ways," "latest greatest" are bribery or mind games. If you use these methods, you may have immediate temporal results, but you will not produce God-honoring, obedient children.
My least favorite is "time out." The dangers of this type of manipulative discipline are screaming to us in lived out behavior of our teens. What time out is, as I understand it, a child disobeys and okay it's time for punishment. I'm on board so far. You the authority picks out a chair or seat of some type perhaps their room and they are banished there for said period of time. Here's where I depart agreeing. What we are doing is setting our children up to give in to pressure from others to conform to whatever they want or they "won't be happy with them" or will ignore them or "not be their friend."
The Bible says, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15. So for rebellious and foolishness there is a call for the rod of correction. It is sure, and true.
Stay with the tried and true methods of child training. It works faster and better. There will always be imitators of the truth. The latest fad in child training, don't be deceived.
Do the Hard Intense Work Now, April 6
The "High Training Mode" is the busiest time of child training. These years do take lots and lots of time and sacrifice. Seemingly unappreciated and certainly unglamorous, but the rewards are far reaching. I really can't tell you when they will stop, very different for each child, however it shouldn't be much past four or five. For the very intense training (if you got a late start this is all different) but, of course we all need tweaking up and supervising from time to time. You will be repeating yourself, staying very consistent, getting off that couch, chair, phone or whatever to "take care" business very often for several years, But I promise you if you will remain faithful and consistent it will go faster. About the time you are there...kinda like transition in childbirth, you will think you can't take it anymore, but you can and must.
Well-trained, obedient, God-honoring children just don't "happen." They are trained, shaped, and molded by some very hard working consistent parent. Every child needs training. There are different types of personalities, some more strong-willed than others, but the Bible doesn't give us different methods of training for different personalities or even birth orders. Be careful not to confuse yourself with "excuses" for your untrained, disobedient child.
Also, remember that children do not come trained and they do not know how to obey without being taught. This is where you come in. Enter Mom the master teacher. So you say: wait a minute I am not ... well, yes, you are by virtue that you are the Mom. So if you need to brush up on your manners a bit, and perhaps even your obedience. DO IT. Then on with our job.
Your children should obey:
Our children behave the way we allow them to. If you do not like a behavior then stop it. If you have allowed things to get a bit out of control, have a meeting with said children and apologize for your letting things get out of control and tighten up. Tell the children what you are going to do and then by all means do it!
The rod is for rebellion, absolute disobedience. As moms we know children have accidents all the time and so do we. Never spank for that. And never forget to "brag" on them for obedience. Look back at how far you have come in this journey and tell them you are sooo proud of their behavior.
Go for it Moms. You can do this!
Well-trained, obedient, God-honoring children just don't "happen." They are trained, shaped, and molded by some very hard working consistent parent. Every child needs training. There are different types of personalities, some more strong-willed than others, but the Bible doesn't give us different methods of training for different personalities or even birth orders. Be careful not to confuse yourself with "excuses" for your untrained, disobedient child.
Also, remember that children do not come trained and they do not know how to obey without being taught. This is where you come in. Enter Mom the master teacher. So you say: wait a minute I am not ... well, yes, you are by virtue that you are the Mom. So if you need to brush up on your manners a bit, and perhaps even your obedience. DO IT. Then on with our job.
Your children should obey:
Our children behave the way we allow them to. If you do not like a behavior then stop it. If you have allowed things to get a bit out of control, have a meeting with said children and apologize for your letting things get out of control and tighten up. Tell the children what you are going to do and then by all means do it!
The rod is for rebellion, absolute disobedience. As moms we know children have accidents all the time and so do we. Never spank for that. And never forget to "brag" on them for obedience. Look back at how far you have come in this journey and tell them you are sooo proud of their behavior.
Go for it Moms. You can do this!
Praying For Our Children, April 7
One of the greatest jobs, responsibilities, and privileges is to pray for our children.
Praying for our children gives us an opportunity to speak into the heart of our children through communication with the Lord, through prayer. Rather than always seeing your children from the doting caregiver or the frustrated harried mom, try to see them through the eyes of their Creator and what they were created to be. Oh, my, have we missed the mark of what God intended and meant for them to be? Each one of our children is a unique creation to be sure. Made in the image of God according to Genesis 1:26, "And God said, Let us make man in our image..."
We were created in God's image and this means that each of our children is created in God's image. So what does this mean for us as we struggle with the day to day raising of these very special creations? It means we first need to take our job very seriously, and do our training as unto the Lord. We need to daily remind ourselves that we are on a mission from the Lord to raise our children to be a glory to Him.
Look around at your children. See if what they are doing is glorify the Lord? See if what you are doing is glorify the Lord? Take some evaluating time and determine what and maybe where you need to make changes. Maybe not at all and that would be great.
According to Psalms 127:3, Children are a blessing of the Lord, a reward. You are a blessed woman of the Lord Himself. We need to begin to live and act like it...back to praying for our children. All this to show and remind us that children are created in the image of God, and therefore we can deduce that we need His guidance and formula for raising and training these blessings. Praying for our children not only brings us closer to the Lord, but to our children themselves. We do this by communication with our Creator about these children. Through prayer we gain wisdom and insight. No matter whether this is a brand new concept for you or a regular part of your routine, we all have much to learn, and need encouragement in our journey.
Praying for our children gives us an opportunity to speak into the heart of our children through communication with the Lord, through prayer. Rather than always seeing your children from the doting caregiver or the frustrated harried mom, try to see them through the eyes of their Creator and what they were created to be. Oh, my, have we missed the mark of what God intended and meant for them to be? Each one of our children is a unique creation to be sure. Made in the image of God according to Genesis 1:26, "And God said, Let us make man in our image..."
We were created in God's image and this means that each of our children is created in God's image. So what does this mean for us as we struggle with the day to day raising of these very special creations? It means we first need to take our job very seriously, and do our training as unto the Lord. We need to daily remind ourselves that we are on a mission from the Lord to raise our children to be a glory to Him.
Look around at your children. See if what they are doing is glorify the Lord? See if what you are doing is glorify the Lord? Take some evaluating time and determine what and maybe where you need to make changes. Maybe not at all and that would be great.
According to Psalms 127:3, Children are a blessing of the Lord, a reward. You are a blessed woman of the Lord Himself. We need to begin to live and act like it...back to praying for our children. All this to show and remind us that children are created in the image of God, and therefore we can deduce that we need His guidance and formula for raising and training these blessings. Praying for our children not only brings us closer to the Lord, but to our children themselves. We do this by communication with our Creator about these children. Through prayer we gain wisdom and insight. No matter whether this is a brand new concept for you or a regular part of your routine, we all have much to learn, and need encouragement in our journey.
Life Coach, April 8
I learned a while ago about life coaches. The very job description (as I understand it) is enabling others through the scriptures to cope and function in life. The life coach coaches you so that you are able to make correct decisions based on the Word of God. So to add to your titles, Mom, you are a life coach.
So coach your blessing and be determined not to allow your blessings to arrive in adulthood unable to cope with life.
So coach your blessing and be determined not to allow your blessings to arrive in adulthood unable to cope with life.
It's Time, April 10
What better team have you ever had or been a part of than this one? Your family is the team that has eternal consequences and far reaching influences. I think we just do not realize how very, very important our job is.
Take it very seriously and do your job.
We are bombarded by so many ideas, interests, schedules, things presented to us that our kids can not live without. So very many of these choices are just that, choices for what fits your family and your schedule. Doubt your children will perish for lack of going to the ------(you fill in the blank).
But the training of your children is not an option and neither is it anyone else's responsibility but yours and your husband's. (I do understand there are cases of no dad, absent dad, uninterested dad ... sooo in that case you just have to buck up and do it all yourself...and you can and must). Your choices for your children may involve other adults teaching them in their life; however, it is not that teacher's job to train your child. There is no escaping this. So let's just do it!
Often we shy away from training our children because we do not have "it" (whatever that is) all together ourselves (who does?). So we think how in the world can I expect another human being to obey, be kind, not throw fits, when I have these problems? Do not use that as an excuse not to train your children in correct behavior. How have these issues served you? Do not use the classic, "Well, I know they do so and so but how can they help it, so do I?" or "of course he has a bad temper, so do I and all the men on my mom's side of the family?" These are excuses, not corrective actions. Do not be an excuse-making mom, standing by and allowing your child to be cursed with uncontrollable desires in his life which will lead to lots of heartache. Get to the root of this problem. Work on the heart of your blessing. Train this out of your blessing. For we all know spoiled, fit throwing adults....not a pretty sight.
What an amazing privilege you have. Don't waste it.
Take it very seriously and do your job.
We are bombarded by so many ideas, interests, schedules, things presented to us that our kids can not live without. So very many of these choices are just that, choices for what fits your family and your schedule. Doubt your children will perish for lack of going to the ------(you fill in the blank).
But the training of your children is not an option and neither is it anyone else's responsibility but yours and your husband's. (I do understand there are cases of no dad, absent dad, uninterested dad ... sooo in that case you just have to buck up and do it all yourself...and you can and must). Your choices for your children may involve other adults teaching them in their life; however, it is not that teacher's job to train your child. There is no escaping this. So let's just do it!
Often we shy away from training our children because we do not have "it" (whatever that is) all together ourselves (who does?). So we think how in the world can I expect another human being to obey, be kind, not throw fits, when I have these problems? Do not use that as an excuse not to train your children in correct behavior. How have these issues served you? Do not use the classic, "Well, I know they do so and so but how can they help it, so do I?" or "of course he has a bad temper, so do I and all the men on my mom's side of the family?" These are excuses, not corrective actions. Do not be an excuse-making mom, standing by and allowing your child to be cursed with uncontrollable desires in his life which will lead to lots of heartache. Get to the root of this problem. Work on the heart of your blessing. Train this out of your blessing. For we all know spoiled, fit throwing adults....not a pretty sight.
What an amazing privilege you have. Don't waste it.
Wet Cement, April 11
Children have been compared to wet cement. Wet cement awaiting their drying and we so need to hurry. We shouldn't waste one single opportunity to mold this blessing because when the drying comes, (and will sooner than you can ever imagine) to change takes jack hammers and all kinds of heavy equipment. For now as they are gently drying it takes gentle consistent pressure to mold them. Often times we have to turn up the fire on the kiln to produce the desired result. If so have at it. Remember to reevaluate, make the necessary changes and reward right behavior. Do heart checks---listen to conversations, observe, spy if need be. We have a lot at stake here and we have to pull out all the stops.
So, my dear life coach partners, get busy. You know what to do, and so do I. This is not mission impossible, though it does seems like it sometimes. Pray without ceasing, read your Bible every day, to gain your strength and nourishment from this job. Pay no attention to the world's advice, and share what you know when asked or feel led.
So, my dear life coach partners, get busy. You know what to do, and so do I. This is not mission impossible, though it does seems like it sometimes. Pray without ceasing, read your Bible every day, to gain your strength and nourishment from this job. Pay no attention to the world's advice, and share what you know when asked or feel led.
Enjoy Right Now, April 12
In this stage of life (if you have little bitties) you may feel like you miss everything, can't do this, can't do that. When in reality this is a very full and alive time in your life. Enjoy.
One good lesson to learn ourselves and to teach our children (blessings) is to enjoy the stage of your life. Right now.
So many of us have spent most of our life wishing or longing it away. Example: when we were little we could hardly wait to be bigger, to be a teenager, to drive, to date, to marry, to have our own house, to come and go when we want to, have babies, for those babies to not be babies, oh gracious now they are, wish that away, and on and on it goes until we wake up and we have wished our entire life away. So stop, stop and enjoy whatever stage of life you are in. Smell the roses, drink deeply of the situation you are in, really live each day grateful for it.
Great thing to teach our blessings is to be grateful and thankful. To enjoy this day and what it has in store for us. This day will be gone soon enough.
Step up to the plate and address the issues you face with your children. Pray for the Lord's wisdom and for Him to reveal any issues that may be slipping by you. This is really not an easy thing to pray. Prepare yourself and do not be upset whenever you are confronted face to face with an issue. Be grateful and address it. Deal with it and guide your blessing to correct behavior as is pleasing to the Lord. Do not swing way over to one side or the other. Calmly help your child walk through some issue(s) that may have them tripped up. Now is the time because they have you to help them. Remember to see how far you've come and notice whenever they make a "right" choice.
Being in the child training business day in and day out as we are, it's hard to look up sometimes and see obedience. Sometimes we just conquer one behavior and move on to the next without fully appreciating the success/victories.
Recapping today:
One good lesson to learn ourselves and to teach our children (blessings) is to enjoy the stage of your life. Right now.
So many of us have spent most of our life wishing or longing it away. Example: when we were little we could hardly wait to be bigger, to be a teenager, to drive, to date, to marry, to have our own house, to come and go when we want to, have babies, for those babies to not be babies, oh gracious now they are, wish that away, and on and on it goes until we wake up and we have wished our entire life away. So stop, stop and enjoy whatever stage of life you are in. Smell the roses, drink deeply of the situation you are in, really live each day grateful for it.
Great thing to teach our blessings is to be grateful and thankful. To enjoy this day and what it has in store for us. This day will be gone soon enough.
Step up to the plate and address the issues you face with your children. Pray for the Lord's wisdom and for Him to reveal any issues that may be slipping by you. This is really not an easy thing to pray. Prepare yourself and do not be upset whenever you are confronted face to face with an issue. Be grateful and address it. Deal with it and guide your blessing to correct behavior as is pleasing to the Lord. Do not swing way over to one side or the other. Calmly help your child walk through some issue(s) that may have them tripped up. Now is the time because they have you to help them. Remember to see how far you've come and notice whenever they make a "right" choice.
Being in the child training business day in and day out as we are, it's hard to look up sometimes and see obedience. Sometimes we just conquer one behavior and move on to the next without fully appreciating the success/victories.
Recapping today:
- Enjoy the stage(s) you are currently in.
- Teach your children gratefulness/thankfulness.
- You are here to guide and help your child.
- Your children will "mess up."
- Sometimes your children will rebel.
- Love them like they are newborns (precious/wonderful: that's in case you did not particularly enjoy newborns, ha ha).
Parenting by Example of Nehemiah, April 13
In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah is the story of the walls of Jerusalem being rebuilt, the discouragement that came from all directions, yet the strength of one man to do his Lord's bidding. There is sooo much we can learn here that can be applied to parenting. Attacking the job we are to do regardless of what others around us are doing, or how they are doing it. Realizing we have a mission (raising our children to be God-honoring adults) to see through to the end regardless of how it looks around us. Facing discouragement, fatigue, attacks from our enemy, but just like Nehemiah we must stand strong and finish our God appointed assignment.
This is one verse that has been used by some great Moms as they totally dedicate themselves to this small window of child training time:
"So I sent messengers to them, saying, 'I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?' (Nehemiah 6:3 NKJV).
You are doing a great work. Do not be distracted by the calls of the world or even sometimes the calls of church work. You must use this time to do your great work with your blessing, and as they get older your work will change, as will their need of you. Your children will never stop needing you, but it will change and be a "different" need. So what I am trying to say is that there are different "seasons" of being a parent. Some more demanding than others. They are all important, just different. See it through!
This is one verse that has been used by some great Moms as they totally dedicate themselves to this small window of child training time:
"So I sent messengers to them, saying, 'I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?' (Nehemiah 6:3 NKJV).
You are doing a great work. Do not be distracted by the calls of the world or even sometimes the calls of church work. You must use this time to do your great work with your blessing, and as they get older your work will change, as will their need of you. Your children will never stop needing you, but it will change and be a "different" need. So what I am trying to say is that there are different "seasons" of being a parent. Some more demanding than others. They are all important, just different. See it through!
Obey and Respect, April 14
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:1-3 NKJV)
Never allow any disrespect or disobedience. No "sassy back talking" zone. Our children must be taught to obey and respect us according to Ephesians. We want things to go well for our children.
You are not here to be your child's friend as you are training them. zthere is plenty of time for that when they are grown, and boy oh boy do they make the most fun friends!!
Do what is best for your child and teach them correct behaviors. This is not done by ignoring wrong behaviors, just hoping they will grow out of those behaviors.
"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15 NKJV)
Never allow any disrespect or disobedience. No "sassy back talking" zone. Our children must be taught to obey and respect us according to Ephesians. We want things to go well for our children.
You are not here to be your child's friend as you are training them. zthere is plenty of time for that when they are grown, and boy oh boy do they make the most fun friends!!
Do what is best for your child and teach them correct behaviors. This is not done by ignoring wrong behaviors, just hoping they will grow out of those behaviors.
"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15 NKJV)
Training Starts Young, April 15
Training starts very young. Mostly it's training yourself at first to help them. Discipline of children is about teaching them the "right" way. It's not the heart of our Father nor our parental hearts just to catch our children doing wrong, but to lovingly and consistently "coach" them into wise choices.
Many times we can see things headed the wrong way. Offering words of encouragement like "make wise choices," "carefully think about your decisions," "use your words," "tread lightly." Whenever your children come to the Lord this is a wonderful thing for many reasons. The obvious one is their eternal salvation, and then you can begin to relate to their spiritual side. Training them to spend time with the Lord. I used to tell my children I could tell when they hadn't been in the Word or spent time with the Lord. And I truly could because of their attitudes and behaviors.
"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." (Galatians 5:16 NKJV)
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry...” (I Samuel 15:23 NKJV)
Well we can see we do not want to ever allow rebellion nor stubbornness.
Pray for the Lord's wisdom in every step of your parenting journey.
Many times we can see things headed the wrong way. Offering words of encouragement like "make wise choices," "carefully think about your decisions," "use your words," "tread lightly." Whenever your children come to the Lord this is a wonderful thing for many reasons. The obvious one is their eternal salvation, and then you can begin to relate to their spiritual side. Training them to spend time with the Lord. I used to tell my children I could tell when they hadn't been in the Word or spent time with the Lord. And I truly could because of their attitudes and behaviors.
"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." (Galatians 5:16 NKJV)
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry...” (I Samuel 15:23 NKJV)
Well we can see we do not want to ever allow rebellion nor stubbornness.
Pray for the Lord's wisdom in every step of your parenting journey.
Soft Answer, April 16
"A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness." (Proverbs 15:1, 2 NKJV)
This scripture is oh, so great a reminder of how we are to instruct, train, teach, discipline, rebuke: with a soft answer.
What happened to us as moms that turned us into these screaming yelling mimi crazies? Well, life happened. There are so many demands, so many people and things pulling at you. The world, the church, your extended family, friends, school, finances.
The following is a glimpse in to my life: Okay now I am doing a good job with school, then oh, no, that clean house plate is beginning to wobble. Ok, got that going again. Now how about obedience, yikes need to tighten up that ship, marriage wobble, hubbie needs time. No food in house yikes, season changing, how about clothes. Spring flowers, oh boy, birthday party, and on and on we go. Sometimes we are at our wits' end, with no end in sight and no foreseeable solution. Enter King Jesus, our sweet rescuer from madness. Whenever I call upon His strength, wisdom, and mercy all these issues seem to fade away. Not disappear, but become doable. Priorities aligned, sanity back, goals clear, main thing the main thing, ready to accomplish my mission.
That is probably is pretty much everyone's story. We just need to remember to keep the Lord first and foremost. Spend that time with Him each day, which brings refreshment and calmness to us. And will give us the soft answer when dealing with whatever we deal with. Does this make us have perfect children who never need yelling at? No, it just keeps you not yelling because your discipline is fair, just, swift and sure. Are you a total loser if you yell and don't always answer with a soft answer? Of course not, just human. So apologize to your blessings and more forward. You are not sorry for getting on to them, but for yelling or losing it.
This scripture is oh, so great a reminder of how we are to instruct, train, teach, discipline, rebuke: with a soft answer.
What happened to us as moms that turned us into these screaming yelling mimi crazies? Well, life happened. There are so many demands, so many people and things pulling at you. The world, the church, your extended family, friends, school, finances.
The following is a glimpse in to my life: Okay now I am doing a good job with school, then oh, no, that clean house plate is beginning to wobble. Ok, got that going again. Now how about obedience, yikes need to tighten up that ship, marriage wobble, hubbie needs time. No food in house yikes, season changing, how about clothes. Spring flowers, oh boy, birthday party, and on and on we go. Sometimes we are at our wits' end, with no end in sight and no foreseeable solution. Enter King Jesus, our sweet rescuer from madness. Whenever I call upon His strength, wisdom, and mercy all these issues seem to fade away. Not disappear, but become doable. Priorities aligned, sanity back, goals clear, main thing the main thing, ready to accomplish my mission.
That is probably is pretty much everyone's story. We just need to remember to keep the Lord first and foremost. Spend that time with Him each day, which brings refreshment and calmness to us. And will give us the soft answer when dealing with whatever we deal with. Does this make us have perfect children who never need yelling at? No, it just keeps you not yelling because your discipline is fair, just, swift and sure. Are you a total loser if you yell and don't always answer with a soft answer? Of course not, just human. So apologize to your blessings and more forward. You are not sorry for getting on to them, but for yelling or losing it.
Content Parents, April 17
"Now godliness with contentment is great gain." (I Timothy 6:6 NKJV)
It doesn't really seem, at first glance, that this scripture necessarily pertains to parenting. But as you think about all the stress and judgments that come with parenting it makes perfect sense. Contentment conjures up calmness, not a fly off the handle attitude. At certain times parenting can be a very stressful. Being content in your life with a calm, not restless spirit are just what you need to approach and deal with situations that occasionally arise.
I think the best parents are content parents. Whenever we are content with godliness we reflect the Father. When we are content we teach our children so much from example.
As a content parent, we discipline not because we are aggravated or interrupted, but because behavior calls for it. You discipline and then rebuke. That is, you explain, and lovingly lead them back into right standing and right attitudes and actions.
Be the example of godliness with contentment to your children.
It doesn't really seem, at first glance, that this scripture necessarily pertains to parenting. But as you think about all the stress and judgments that come with parenting it makes perfect sense. Contentment conjures up calmness, not a fly off the handle attitude. At certain times parenting can be a very stressful. Being content in your life with a calm, not restless spirit are just what you need to approach and deal with situations that occasionally arise.
I think the best parents are content parents. Whenever we are content with godliness we reflect the Father. When we are content we teach our children so much from example.
As a content parent, we discipline not because we are aggravated or interrupted, but because behavior calls for it. You discipline and then rebuke. That is, you explain, and lovingly lead them back into right standing and right attitudes and actions.
Be the example of godliness with contentment to your children.
Parenting 101: Preparing, April 19
Parenting 101 as my friend, Jen Bradley, calls it, is simply preparing your children for what is expected of them. It's the who, what, when, where and sometimes why of an event.
Often times we flip out about our child's behavior, like not speaking to Aunt Betty or giving her a hug, when your child has no idea who Aunt Betty is. They had no idea she was your favorite aunt growing up or that she was even gonna be at this dinner. That because you adore her and she adores you, then she will adore your children and you want her to, hence your children can be somewhat caught off guard of what you expect of them. Aunt Betty doesn't get to see these little dumplings very much so she is very very excited to see them and hence the rub.
How to prevent a national family emergency or perhaps a little hurt feelings is simple. Prepare those blessings.
Of course everything is always age appropriate, but it never hurts to start young. Never know what they will really pick up on.
Wherever you are taking your blessing tell them the who, what, where, when and sometime why of what's going on.
WHAT: Easter lunch
WHERE: At Nana's house
WHO will be there: Nana, Pops, Aunt Jenn, Uncle John, Aunt Betty, Uncle Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Jones (friends of family for a long time), your cousins, Bill, Joe, Sally
WHEN: after church on Sunday. Sometimes helpful as you are in route to remind them of all the details and also the behavior you expect.
These are logistic details, but also remind them of the manners they should have during this time. Please, thank you, be a helper whenever possible, have nice table manners (practice these ahead of time: mock dinner.)
I have always heard you play like you practice, so for us: practice good manners, good behavior and then when it's game time, it'll be great!
Often times we flip out about our child's behavior, like not speaking to Aunt Betty or giving her a hug, when your child has no idea who Aunt Betty is. They had no idea she was your favorite aunt growing up or that she was even gonna be at this dinner. That because you adore her and she adores you, then she will adore your children and you want her to, hence your children can be somewhat caught off guard of what you expect of them. Aunt Betty doesn't get to see these little dumplings very much so she is very very excited to see them and hence the rub.
How to prevent a national family emergency or perhaps a little hurt feelings is simple. Prepare those blessings.
Of course everything is always age appropriate, but it never hurts to start young. Never know what they will really pick up on.
Wherever you are taking your blessing tell them the who, what, where, when and sometime why of what's going on.
WHAT: Easter lunch
WHERE: At Nana's house
WHO will be there: Nana, Pops, Aunt Jenn, Uncle John, Aunt Betty, Uncle Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Jones (friends of family for a long time), your cousins, Bill, Joe, Sally
WHEN: after church on Sunday. Sometimes helpful as you are in route to remind them of all the details and also the behavior you expect.
These are logistic details, but also remind them of the manners they should have during this time. Please, thank you, be a helper whenever possible, have nice table manners (practice these ahead of time: mock dinner.)
I have always heard you play like you practice, so for us: practice good manners, good behavior and then when it's game time, it'll be great!
Happy Easter, April 20
Happy Easter Sunday.
As we celebrate our risen Savior let's be full of thankfulness for all our blessings.
We have a Savior that died for and loves us unconditionally. Doesn't get much better than that!
Share your love and enthusiasm for the Lord with your children. Teaching them His ways and a heart for Him , a love for His word, and a love for spending time with Him.
As we celebrate our risen Savior let's be full of thankfulness for all our blessings.
We have a Savior that died for and loves us unconditionally. Doesn't get much better than that!
Share your love and enthusiasm for the Lord with your children. Teaching them His ways and a heart for Him , a love for His word, and a love for spending time with Him.
Helpers, April 22
We Moms of older children are so very grateful to have ready made helpers. It is so very good for our children to help us and be assigned chores. It's kind of a double blessing by training our children they are more kind and helpful, and you will reap many of those benefits. Whenever all your children are little you may wonder how in the world you are ever going to be able to sustain this pace. You will not have to. One day you'll be able to assign a bunch of jobs and they'll all get done at once. As we train our children to be thoughtful and kind this naturally spills over to helping around the house, yard and so on.
Now while they are little teach them to help. Teach them how to pick up, make their beds, clean up, cook, grocery shop. Sometimes, if we are picky moms, little bitty ones just can not do the job "good" enough to suit us, so we would rather do it ourselves. Big mistake, just bite the bullet, lower your standards and let them do some things. Eventually they will begin to do those jobs better and better, until one day, perhaps they will do them better than you. But you must give them a chance.
Our children learn so very much from just being with us, and watching. If we never take them grocery shopping with us how will they ever learn. As we go about our day remember to explain the way you do things, the why of your ways, and the how.
When mine were younger and it was time to clean the house, I tried to assign to each one the thing they seemed to enjoy the most. By doing that, they do a better job. Some folks are just naturally better at some things than the other. Not to say they should not all pitch in and help do everything. For example I like to clean bathrooms. How weird huh? I think it's because it is a definite what to do and I know how to do it well. So if we are cleaning, everyone knows I'll do the bathrooms and take out the trash. I love taking out trash. Ha ha. I am really thinking I have some kind of problem. So see which jobs the children kinda naturally flock to and make that "their" go to job.
Teach your children to be helpers. You'll be glad you did.
Now while they are little teach them to help. Teach them how to pick up, make their beds, clean up, cook, grocery shop. Sometimes, if we are picky moms, little bitty ones just can not do the job "good" enough to suit us, so we would rather do it ourselves. Big mistake, just bite the bullet, lower your standards and let them do some things. Eventually they will begin to do those jobs better and better, until one day, perhaps they will do them better than you. But you must give them a chance.
Our children learn so very much from just being with us, and watching. If we never take them grocery shopping with us how will they ever learn. As we go about our day remember to explain the way you do things, the why of your ways, and the how.
When mine were younger and it was time to clean the house, I tried to assign to each one the thing they seemed to enjoy the most. By doing that, they do a better job. Some folks are just naturally better at some things than the other. Not to say they should not all pitch in and help do everything. For example I like to clean bathrooms. How weird huh? I think it's because it is a definite what to do and I know how to do it well. So if we are cleaning, everyone knows I'll do the bathrooms and take out the trash. I love taking out trash. Ha ha. I am really thinking I have some kind of problem. So see which jobs the children kinda naturally flock to and make that "their" go to job.
Teach your children to be helpers. You'll be glad you did.
Consistent Training, April 23, 2014
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Not trying to wear this verse out, but it's a promise to parents and we know that God keeps His promises. So often we major on the end of this verse, but now we are gonna focus on the first part. It's our marching orders, our parental assignment, our mission. So let's get to training.
Realizing that, "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15 NKJV). All children have foolishness bound in their heart. That is why they need guidance, instruction, and correction. There are certain foolish behaviors we can and should root out of our blessing early.
Train your children to answer you with respect. In the south we like the yes ma'am, no sir answers. But that, like many things in children training is a family preference. So however you choose to teach your children to answer adults, yeah, huh, what, are not acceptable, Pardon me? Yes please, no thank you, yes, I beg your pardon, are just some I have heard. Your choice.
Your children should obey you:
If you tell you children to do something 9 times and then finally get serious, the result is they will wait until time 9 to do it. You are training them to obey you however many times you tell them. Then we pull the "this time I really mean it," so does that mean you don't mean it the other 42 times you have said it? Your choice. Now to be fair you need to warn your folks that you are changing your policy and from henceforth you will be telling them to do things one time. You will have to back this up, because be assured they will test you on it. Be consistent with your rules. Children need consistency. Just because you are tired and don't feel like getting off the couch to discipline is not a good answer.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
I love this version of this verse, "train up," indicating it's a process and that it is.
Not trying to wear this verse out, but it's a promise to parents and we know that God keeps His promises. So often we major on the end of this verse, but now we are gonna focus on the first part. It's our marching orders, our parental assignment, our mission. So let's get to training.
Realizing that, "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15 NKJV). All children have foolishness bound in their heart. That is why they need guidance, instruction, and correction. There are certain foolish behaviors we can and should root out of our blessing early.
Train your children to answer you with respect. In the south we like the yes ma'am, no sir answers. But that, like many things in children training is a family preference. So however you choose to teach your children to answer adults, yeah, huh, what, are not acceptable, Pardon me? Yes please, no thank you, yes, I beg your pardon, are just some I have heard. Your choice.
Your children should obey you:
- immediately
- completely
- sweetly
If you tell you children to do something 9 times and then finally get serious, the result is they will wait until time 9 to do it. You are training them to obey you however many times you tell them. Then we pull the "this time I really mean it," so does that mean you don't mean it the other 42 times you have said it? Your choice. Now to be fair you need to warn your folks that you are changing your policy and from henceforth you will be telling them to do things one time. You will have to back this up, because be assured they will test you on it. Be consistent with your rules. Children need consistency. Just because you are tired and don't feel like getting off the couch to discipline is not a good answer.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
I love this version of this verse, "train up," indicating it's a process and that it is.
God is in Control, April 24
In the mist of the storm it seems as if it is gonna rain forever. During labor it feels like its never gonna end. When troubles come in a family, a marriage, with a child, in a job, it seems like it is all that is going on. If we allow it, it will take our every thought and all our focus. Rightly so, it should take some of our energy. Just do not let it zap us. It will zap us if we let it.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NKJV)
Just digest this scripture. Let it soak into your inter most being. Repeat it and absorb it and it will bring amazing peace flooding to your soul.
Trust: when we trust someone we figure they will take care of things. This is not to say that everything is peaches and cream, but it's the inter turmoil that vanishes. Lean not on your own understanding. You do not have the big picture, but God does. We just wear ourselves out trying to figure out situations, problems, and people.
Just acknowledge Him. Say to Him and yourself that God is in control. He is Lord and since we have given ourselves to Him, give your worries to Him.
When we acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths. So if we have a parenting issue, marriage issue, job issue, money issue, whatever: acknowledge the Lord and He will direct your paths.
Next step, you must listen to Him and follow His lead. If you know what you are to do according to His word, then do it. Do we really think we are smarter than God? I don't think we do, but we sure do act like it sometimes.
Whenever I get overwhelmed and start to grab it all back from God (because after all I am the fix it mom, and I am Mama), I calm myself down, remind myself that He is in control. What I want, what I think I need, what I do or do not think people should do or not do, however I long for something, I try to remind myself to be obedient to my call and long for that end of my life and the statement I really loooong to hear "Well, done my good and faithful servant." Makes me tear up every time. Oh, to stay in that place with the Lord. If we do, we will be the best we can possibly be. If you want to long for something, long for that ladies!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NKJV)
Just digest this scripture. Let it soak into your inter most being. Repeat it and absorb it and it will bring amazing peace flooding to your soul.
Trust: when we trust someone we figure they will take care of things. This is not to say that everything is peaches and cream, but it's the inter turmoil that vanishes. Lean not on your own understanding. You do not have the big picture, but God does. We just wear ourselves out trying to figure out situations, problems, and people.
Just acknowledge Him. Say to Him and yourself that God is in control. He is Lord and since we have given ourselves to Him, give your worries to Him.
When we acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths. So if we have a parenting issue, marriage issue, job issue, money issue, whatever: acknowledge the Lord and He will direct your paths.
Next step, you must listen to Him and follow His lead. If you know what you are to do according to His word, then do it. Do we really think we are smarter than God? I don't think we do, but we sure do act like it sometimes.
Whenever I get overwhelmed and start to grab it all back from God (because after all I am the fix it mom, and I am Mama), I calm myself down, remind myself that He is in control. What I want, what I think I need, what I do or do not think people should do or not do, however I long for something, I try to remind myself to be obedient to my call and long for that end of my life and the statement I really loooong to hear "Well, done my good and faithful servant." Makes me tear up every time. Oh, to stay in that place with the Lord. If we do, we will be the best we can possibly be. If you want to long for something, long for that ladies!
Security, April 26
Give your children the blessing of security. Our scripture last time was "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." With trust comes security. As we trust in the Lord, so our children should be able to trust us. We are a picture of the Father to our children.
When you say something to your children, mean it. Now I am not talking about when plans change; that happens all the time. Actually a change in plans is really good for children sometime to help them be flexible. What I mean are those life things that bring security to your children. I love you and will always be here for you. Directions you give your children that should be followed...mean it. When you mean what you say, it brings great security to your children.
In life we sometimes comes to the realization of things after the fact. Now with your raising of your children don't be late to the game.
When you say something to your children, mean it. Now I am not talking about when plans change; that happens all the time. Actually a change in plans is really good for children sometime to help them be flexible. What I mean are those life things that bring security to your children. I love you and will always be here for you. Directions you give your children that should be followed...mean it. When you mean what you say, it brings great security to your children.
In life we sometimes comes to the realization of things after the fact. Now with your raising of your children don't be late to the game.
Honoring Our Own Authority, April 28
Last time we talked about the blessing of security that we should give our children, through meaning what we say and saying what we mean.
Another great way to give security to your children is by living out your family life by honoring, respecting and submitting to your husband. This is not always easy, but it is what we are called to do. Marriage is not always easy, not always 50/50, it is not: you be nice to me and I'll be nice to you, or I'll submit when you love me like Christ loves the church. But it is a picture of Christ and his church/bride. Ladies, when you honor and respect your husband, as the Word instructs us, it brings great security to your children. Not only that, but it is the example to them of how to submit to authority. Yikes,uh-oh, this could be a problem, huh?. Well, nothing like backing up and starting again. Sometimes we have to admit if we have failed and start shame in that.
You are showing your children so much by how your treat your husband. And vice versa of course, but you can only control yourself and your actions. Our actions should be just that: action, not reaction. We are called to walk the walk of submission. Do it ladies and it will not only impact you for good, there are lots of ramifications. Also, it seems the more you give up getting "your" way, putting your foot down, running the show, you seem to begin to really get your heart's desire. My husband Mark likes to say: Ladies, if you want your husbands to really be the leader, then you stop leading.
Another great way to give security to your children is by living out your family life by honoring, respecting and submitting to your husband. This is not always easy, but it is what we are called to do. Marriage is not always easy, not always 50/50, it is not: you be nice to me and I'll be nice to you, or I'll submit when you love me like Christ loves the church. But it is a picture of Christ and his church/bride. Ladies, when you honor and respect your husband, as the Word instructs us, it brings great security to your children. Not only that, but it is the example to them of how to submit to authority. Yikes,uh-oh, this could be a problem, huh?. Well, nothing like backing up and starting again. Sometimes we have to admit if we have failed and start shame in that.
You are showing your children so much by how your treat your husband. And vice versa of course, but you can only control yourself and your actions. Our actions should be just that: action, not reaction. We are called to walk the walk of submission. Do it ladies and it will not only impact you for good, there are lots of ramifications. Also, it seems the more you give up getting "your" way, putting your foot down, running the show, you seem to begin to really get your heart's desire. My husband Mark likes to say: Ladies, if you want your husbands to really be the leader, then you stop leading.
Rest in God's Promises, April 29
Your authority as a parent comes from the Lord. As we raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, if we tried to do that in the "I am Mama" mode, we severely handicap ourselves and our effectiveness as a parent. All authority comes from the Lord so we need to use His word to effectively train our blessings.
"... bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4 NKJV)
Our goal as parents is to have saved, successful, productive, happy children. You can change these adjectives around or add to them, but these are pretty close to most parents' hearts.
Take comfort. We are not in this alone. If we raise our blessing according to the Lord's word there are His promises we can rest in.
"... bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4 NKJV)
Our goal as parents is to have saved, successful, productive, happy children. You can change these adjectives around or add to them, but these are pretty close to most parents' hearts.
Take comfort. We are not in this alone. If we raise our blessing according to the Lord's word there are His promises we can rest in.
Fruits of the Spirit, April 30
If we train our blessings to have fruit of the Spirit behavior, before they are saved, then when they are saved walking in the Spirit is already a part of their nature. Plus these behaviors are just plain right and make for a great person to be around. Do yourself a favor and train your children in the fruit of the Spirit behavior.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22, 23 NKJV)
So ladies, begin or continue to train your children to be full of fruit, God's fruit:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22, 23 NKJV)
So ladies, begin or continue to train your children to be full of fruit, God's fruit:
- love
- joy
- peace
- longsuffering
- kindness
- goodness
- faithfulness
- gentleness
- self-control