The Bible says that gray hair is the crown of the aged men. I've heard it pointed out, however, that the Bible doesn't say anything about gray hair's being the crown of the aged women. I color my hair to cover up the gray. I'm not trying to look young, but I'm not trying to look old yet either.
This takes a little time in the chemical laboratory salon called my bathroom. And I can't get interrupted by little people or it turns purple. So I have to choose delicately the time when I can maneuver this hair coloring masterpiece. When I can't around get to the full blown color the roots action, but the gray is noticeably coming in, I use a great little helper called Tween Time.
This website is about matters of the heart and practical helps to you. I think we can all agree that the world is shouting at us all day long about what to buy as the key to happiness. It's all such a big lie. Not doing that to my girlfriends.
However, I bought my tween time art brilliance for less than $8 and it's lasted me three years. So we can't afford not to pass this little tip along, can we ladies. I found it at my local beauty supply store. When your gray starts to grow in, you get the crayon a little bit wet by holding it under running water, then dab it on the roots of your hair after you wash it, while it's still wet. It's just a big fat fancy crayon. It's a fat crayon in a blue lipstick looking tube. Sorry I don't have a good picture to show you. It washes out the next time you shampoo, so it's not permanent. It's nice to have when you can't quite get to doing the real deal with coloring.
This takes a little time in the chemical laboratory salon called my bathroom. And I can't get interrupted by little people or it turns purple. So I have to choose delicately the time when I can maneuver this hair coloring masterpiece. When I can't around get to the full blown color the roots action, but the gray is noticeably coming in, I use a great little helper called Tween Time.
This website is about matters of the heart and practical helps to you. I think we can all agree that the world is shouting at us all day long about what to buy as the key to happiness. It's all such a big lie. Not doing that to my girlfriends.
However, I bought my tween time art brilliance for less than $8 and it's lasted me three years. So we can't afford not to pass this little tip along, can we ladies. I found it at my local beauty supply store. When your gray starts to grow in, you get the crayon a little bit wet by holding it under running water, then dab it on the roots of your hair after you wash it, while it's still wet. It's just a big fat fancy crayon. It's a fat crayon in a blue lipstick looking tube. Sorry I don't have a good picture to show you. It washes out the next time you shampoo, so it's not permanent. It's nice to have when you can't quite get to doing the real deal with coloring.